Pa van der Steur's Legacy
East of Jakarta lies Bekasi. In older times a collection of kampongs – little villages, but nowadays a big satellite city of Indonesia’s capital. After decades of expansion, the borders of rice fields seized to exist and the crowded streets from one city easily flow into the other. The main location of the Yayasan Pa van der Steur is located in Bekasi’s district Pondok Melati. Children without parents or someone to take care of them can be taken to this orphanage. They won’t be just be fed, schooled en prepared for Indonesia’s society: they they’ll be safe and loved.

Our Story
On September 10th 1892, Johannes van der Steur left by steamship for the East Indies, exactly eight days after he had been initiated as a missionary in a small church on the Parklaan in Haarlem.

About the Foundation
Divided over a boys 'and a girls' house, 40 orphans live on the grounds of the Yayasan Pa van der Steur (the yayasan) in Jakarta, Indonesia.

Pupil Archive
In the period of 1893 to about 1945 an archive was maintained containing the information of children entrusted to the orphanage. This archive consists of four parts:
The orphanage Pa van der Steur in Pondok Melati and Jakarta
Located on the Pondok Melati property are the Asrama Putra (the Boy's Home), the Asrama Putri (the Girls' Home), a Taman Kanak (Kindergarten), an SD (Primary School) and an SMP (Secondary School). These Christian schools have a good reputation and are also attended by pupils from the surrounding area.
There is also a Balai Pertemuan (Reception room) and a kitchen-cum-dining room. The approximately two-hectare site has spacious playgrounds and sports areas, such as a football field and a basketball field. There is also a library with more than 5000 books.
If you are in Jakarta, please come and visit the orphanage to have a look for yourself.
The orphanage is easy to reach via the Jalan Tol. Please make an appointment by telephone (+62-21-8504661) or email ( You will receive a warm welcome and get a true impression of how things are done there.
A second branch of the orphanage is located on Jalan Matraman Raya, a busy thoroughfare east of Jakarta.
Previously, the Secretariat of the Yayasan used to be located there, but it has since moved to Pondok Melati. The slightly older girls live in Matraman. They go to the SMA (Higher Secondary Education) or other further education programs, located near the home.